More Than Just Food
How DynaQuip Provides Resources for a Wide Variety of Agricultural Applications
September 7th, 2022

Archeological excavations have revealed that the first organized farming was first practiced nearly 12,000 years ago in the region that is today known as the Middle East. Today, over 4 billion acres around the world are devoted exclusively to agriculture, helping to feed a global population of 7 billion people and countless livestock.

Agricultural crops are used for many other applications beyond food however. While DynaQuip is proud to supply durable flow control and fluid connector products that play a small role in helping to feed the world, it’s also interesting to discover other ways that corn, beans, wheat, sorghum, rice, fruits, and other plants are used for everyday products you might not realize. 

Four Uses of Plants You Might Not Know

  1. Shelter for plants and people – Taller crops are sometimes planted along with small trees and shrubs around the perimeter of farm fields to help provide protection from the elements. Known as “windbreaks” or “shelterbelts,” these natural configurations are also often used around residential areas and offer natural insulation that can greatly reduce heating and cooling costs. 
  2. Clothing – You are probably familiar with cotton fabrics, but did you know that yarn made from the bark of banana trees is durable yet is similar to silk? Flax plants produce the core materials used to make linen, and (get this) bamboo is a natural and equally strong and water-proof substitute for the rubber materials you find in winter boots, raincoats, and some athletic shoes. 
  3. Medicine – Plant ingredients can be found in many pharmaceutical products. Chamomile, made from flowers, can effectively treat abrasions and inflammation. Feverfew, made from leaves, is used to help prevent migraines and treat arthritis. Ginger is a plant that features an herb that can help to reduce nausea. And ginseng, made popular in Far Eastern healthcare applications, is known to boost energy and as an all-around vitamin. 
  4. Biofuels – Plant-based ingredients are helping to provide economical, more environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient fuel options. For example, ethanol is a renewable energy source made partially from “biomass” plant materials. Ethanol, which is alcohol-based and mixed with gasoline, helps to reduce carbon monoxide and other pollution-causing emissions. 
  5. Cover crops – Certain crops, such as oats, spring wheat, and red clover, are sometimes planted simply to help create a more fertile environment for “cash crops” like corn and soybeans. These “cover crops” provide valuable nutrients to the soil, help to reduce erosion, prevent weeds, control diseases and pests, and are often a food source for grazing cattle and livestock.

Always Ready for Everything

Our innovative customers are constantly surprising us with the products they produce and the way they are used. That’s why DynaQuip is always ready to deliver custom solutions to meet the specific challenges companies in a wide variety of industries face. What you need when you need it most. Count on us to come through for you. 

Now what can we do to help you grow your business?

For more information, explore our website or feel free to contact us at 800-545-3636. 


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